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Anime Club - Sponsor: Ms. Burrell 

Anime Club exists for students to discuss the various themes, genres and the history of anime. Participants will prepare and present brief presentations on topics related to anime throughout the year. Once per month students get to enjoy the first episodes of select Anime shows together.  

Art Club - Sponsor: Ms. Bristow 

The first project will be painting Sun Catchers and the club does many other art-themed activities throughout the school year. 

Beautification & Recycling Club - Sponsor: Ms. Barczak 

The Beautification and Recycling Club will focus on helping to "beautify" the campus by identifying campus areas that are in need of an aesthetic boost. Tasks include: helping to clean up, prep the gym and outside field areas before athletic events, as well as encouraging trash recycling on campus. 

Dungeons & Dragons Club - Sponsor: Ms. MacKay 

Consider joining in Room 403 for some healthy competition for chess or Dungeons and Dragons! Once offered as separate clubs, chess and Dungeons and Dragons will happen concurrently this year on Mondays. Feel free to choose one of the two games to play each meeting. Club fee is $15. 

Kindness Krafts Club - Sponsor: Ms. MacKay 

In this club, students will come up with different creative ways to remind others that they are appreciated and valued. In the past the club has made friendship bracelets for prospective students, decorations for the office and gifts for teachers. Club fee is $15 and meets on Tuesdays after school.  

 National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)- Sponsor: Ms. MacKay 

NJHS creates enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership and to develop character at Sunrise. 

 RISE+ Dance Company - Sponsor: Ms. Collmar 

RISE+ is an after school program for RISE Dance Company members (dance performance class students). Its sole purpose is to provide more rehearsal time for in-class repertoire and to teach additional dances that will be performed for the main stage productions. Meeting times will be on Monday and/or Wednesday (various combinations) from 3-4 PM. A monthly meeting schedule will be shared in advance and meetings will begin in September. There is no club fee for RISE+ but a membership form must be signed and on file.

Robotics Club - Sponsor: Ms. Kool 

Students work together to design, build, program, wire and test a robot to compete in a yearly design competition while learning about Gracious Professionalism and keeping an Engineering Notebook.  Teams compete at local, regional and possibly international competitions. The first 30 students will be accepted.

Student Council- Sponsor: Ms. Kool 

Student Council works to provide leadership and facilitates a number of activities on campus.

Community Service

Community service is a requirement for 7th and 8th grade social studies.

Download the Community Service Letter & Form